Inclusion is a very important element of your child’s development.
We work in partnership with the mainstream school.
There are opportunities for our children to be included with their year group mainstream class. On entry to the Speech and Language Classrooms every child is included in all the social aspects of school, including playtimes, assemblies and special events. All children are included for PE and games.
In the Speech and Language Classes, a range of additional strategies are used to support the children including, Makaton signed speech, colour coding and a programme ‘Writing With Symbols’ which supports children's understanding of language.
We pride ourselves on the number of children whose lives are changed for the better, enabling them to return into a mainstream school setting, often the school that they have transferred to us from originally. Therefore, we have a well established transition program to make the return to mainstream smooth and successful.
Similarly, for children starting with us, there is a structured program of transition support helping children to settle quickly.