SEND Provision
To find out more about our SEND support, please click on the links below to read the SEND Information Report and School Accessibility Plan below.
We have also signposted some useful information in areas of need - just hover your cursor over the SEND menu bar to see these areas. There is also a section for new information and opportunities for parents which may be of help to our parents.
SEND Information Report 2023-2024 SEND Accessibility Plan
It is really important to us that our SEND development plan reflects the views of all in our school community and by completing the survey in the link below your feedback will be used to develop our plan. The SEND Information Report, which can be found above, will explain what any stakeholder can expect from the provision for children with SEND at Green Street Green Primary School.
Bromley EHC Needs Assessment Eligibility Guidance
SEND Information
- Strategic Lead for Inclusion: Mr C Mead
- SENDCO Inclusion: Mrs J Morkill
- Head of Speech and Language Provision and AHT: Mrs S Peake
- Family Worker: Miss G Barnes
- SEND Governor: Ms E Sundblad
- Designated Mental Health Lead: Mrs J Morkill
Green Street Green is an inclusive school that offers a range of provision to meet the needs of children with cognition and learning needs, communication and interaction needs, social emotional and mental health needs, and sensory, physical and medical needs.
Support is provided through the use of support staff and quality first teaching. The range of support deployed will depend on the individual needs of the pupil. This need is assessed both in school and through the use of external agencies where appropriate. Parents are valued partners in this process. Support is designed to develop and promote independence and resilience. Support may evolve to meet the needs of the learners and should not be seen in isolation but as part of the whole school provision for a pupil.
Green Street Green has an additionally resourced provision for children with Speech and Language needs.
Children are placed in the provision by the London Borough of Bromley and have an Education, Health and Care Plan. The teachers, support staff and therapists are highly skilled practitioners and share this expertise with mainstream colleagues.
Our Inclusion Policy can be found here: Policies (Key Information menu tab)
Partnerships with External Agencies
Green Street Green Primary School works in partnership with external agencies to seek advice and support to ensure that the needs of all children are fully understood and met.
Common Assessment Framework (CAF) are completed to identify the most appropriate early help and support for a family and this will extend to holding Multi-agency Team Around the Child or Family meetings for pupils when required.
Where a child may have specific medical needs the school nurse, Inclusion officer, staff and parents contribute towards a written Health Care Plan to provide a consistent approach.
External Agencies who provide support when required:- Bromley SENDCO Advisory Services
- Bromley SEMH Outreach Support
- Educational Psychology Service. Our Educational Psychologist is Peter Maggs
- Bromley Sensory Support Service
- Speech and Language Therapy
- School Nurse
- Occupational Therapy, Paediatric and Wellbeing referral. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service is now accessed through referral to Wellbeing.
- The Information, Advice and Support Service
- Virtual School - Head of Service Sally Kelly
- Education Safeguarding Link - Bianca Hart
- Bromley Children’s Project
- Bromley Mencap
- B-Hive
The Bromley Local Offer
Please click on the link below to access the Bromley Local Offer webpage for more information on services, processes and opportunities.
Please click HERE for the latest Bromley Local Offer SEND newsletter
More information on our SEND support can be found by emailing