Green Street Green Primary School

Safeguarding and Care

Green Street Green Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people and expects all staff and the wider school community to share this commitment. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that reflect this commitment and, individually and collectively, help to create an environment where the safety, well-being, health and happiness of all pupils is the highest priority.

This page provides an overview of some of the school’s policies, systems and procedures that help us to protect our pupils in school and support help them in making choices that will help to keep them safe away from school.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

The school has a dedicated Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, based on agreed national and Trust guidelines, which sets out its approach to keeping children safe.

Many of the school’s key systems and procedures, particularly those related to disclosures and allegations, are set out in the policy which also reflects the statutory requirements in the latest Department for Education document Keeping Children Safe in Education. The school also has a child-friendly version of the policy. This presents our key safeguarding measures in child-friendly terms and advises children on what to do if they have a concern.

Safeguarding Team

The school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Mead.

Miss Barnes, Family Worker, is our Deputy Safeguarding Lead.

Together they constitute the school’s Safeguarding Team. All safeguarding concerns are managed and responded to by the DSL or a member of this team.

Reporting Abuse  in Education

Safeguarding children, within all SOLA schools, is at the heart of our ethos.  We ensure that all policies embed the guidance from the latest Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children (July 2018).

With the recent publication of historic experiences of sexual assault and abuse, the government and NSPCC are working together to ensure victims are signposted to support. The dedicated NSPCC Helpline-Report Abuse in Education-launched on 1st April 2021) and can be contacted by phone 0800 136 663, or by emailing

As educators, we understand how important it is that our children are empowered to speak up about things that make them feel uncomfortable or they don’t feel are right. Our new Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) focuses on important issues in an age appropriate way, such as personal privacy, consent and challenging stereotypes about gender.

Our whole school approach to RSHE takes children and young people’s safety very seriously and aims to equip them to lead safe, happy and healthy lives.  Parents who would like further information in this respect are encouraged to contact their child's class teacher or the school office in the first instance. 

Online Safety Advice for Parents and Carers

2 Simple Digital Parenting Guide

Conversation Starters for Parents

Policing Vs Parenting Online Gaming Parents guide

Being Kind Online for Children

Sexting Parents guide

Tik Tok Parents guide

UK age restrictions for social media

WhatsApp parents guide


Is your child ready to go out without you? Here is a really useful guide from the NSPCC to ascertain whether your child is ready and how to discuss going out alone with your child.

out alone keeping child safe.pdf

Useful External Agency Support Contact Details

 Contact Details for Support from External Agencies