At Green Street Green Primary School, it is our constant mission to champion the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. We aim to challenge and inspire all children, nurture curiosity about the world around them and, wherever possible, provide opportunities for the children to experience awe and wonder!
We believe that science should be a ‘hands-on’, practical and fully immersive subject which allows our children to experience the scientific concepts being studied and explore them further through explorative investigations and experiments. Our young scientists are encouraged to generate and answer scientific hypotheses from given stimuli, subsequently designing investigations and reflecting critically on what they discover by interrogating their data and observations. Wherever appropriate, we strive to make relevant connections with other subjects in our wider curriculum.
By the time our children leave us, they will have developed the life-long skills needed to become accomplished and creative thinkers as well as adults who persevere in seeking solutions to everyday problems and answers to life’s questions.